Schematron Tutorial Change Log
- [January 01, 2008] I added a bunch of new stuff: reuse using the include element,
using abstract patterns, and using abstract rules. Also, I added a miscellaneous file, containing info about the title element,
the value-of element, the name element, the queryBinding attribute, and the defaultPhase attribute.
- [October 08, 2007] Joris Graaumans notified
me that I had an error in my ISO Schematron tutorial: the pattern element does not have a name attribute. I fixed the
tutorial, examples, and lab. Thanks Joris!
- [August 05, 2007] I added a tutorial which
addresses the issue of whether a Schematron schema should be embedded within a grammar schema, or kept separate.
- [July 16, 2007] I added a tutorial on
deciding how to factor constraint implementations, where different languages could be used.
- [July 16, 2007] I added a summary tutorial,
containing lessons learned, who's using Schematron, recommendations
- [July 8, 2007] I added a new tutorial, on
using the Schematron "see" attribute to connect an assertion to the requirement it implements
- [July 3, 2007] I updated the checksum example (each
digit should be multiplied by its position).
- [June 30, 2007] I added an example of doing
checksum validation in the algorithms tutorial.
- [June 27, 2007] I fixed a bunch of typos. I added an
example showing how a Schematron schema can obtain reserved words from an external file.
- [June 18, 2007] Initial release of tutorials.
Last Updated: January 01, 2008