Before purchasing a product I like to find out what other people think of it.
Before purchasing a book I check its reviews on
Before hiring a company to paint my house I search the Web for opinions (reviews) of the company
Before going to see a movie I look at the movie reviews on to see what other
people think of the movie
Reviews are important. They give us an indication of the likely quality and value of things, thereby
facilitating (hopefully) better decisions.
Purpose of the hReview Microformat
The hReview Microformat enables Web tools to detect that a Web page contains a review (of a product, event, business, etc)
and extract the pieces of the review, such as:
The item being reviewed
The review (description)
The rating (e.g., four stars out of five)
Best of Breed
The compound Microformats we examined earlier (hCard and hCalendar)
are 1:1 mappings of preexisting specifications (vCard and
vCalendar, respectively).
hReview is different. It is not a 1:1 mapping of a specification. Rather, the Microformat community
examined the various types of reviews that are used on the Web today and distilled the properties common to all
hReview Properties
dtreviewed: date/time the review was written.
summary: a short synopsis of the review, the title
of the review.
reviewer: the hCard of the
person who is doing the review.
item: the thing (product, event, business, etc.) being
reviewed. This property contains these subproperties (which all come from hCard):
fn: the formatted name of the thing being reviewed
(e.g., if the thing being reviewed is a book, then fn is the book title; if the thing being reviewed is a
movie then fn is the name of the movie).
url: the URL to the thing being reviewed
(e.g., if the thing being reviewed is a company that paints houses, then url is the URL to their Web site).
photo: a URL to a photo of the thing being reviewed
(e.g., if the thing being reviewed is a book, then photo is the URL to a photo of the book).
hReview Properties (cont.)
rating: a rating of the thing being reviewed. The
default rating scale is 1.0 - 5.0, where 1.0 represents the lowest rating and 5.0 represents the highest rating. There are two
optional subproperties - worst and best - for use when a different rating scale is desired.
type: the kind of thing being reviewed. Legal values
description: the full text of the opinion of the reviewer.
rel=tag: use the rel-tag Microformat to associate a
tag with the thing being reviewed.
hReview Properties (cont.)
permalink: a permalink is a long-lived URL. If the review is embedded
within a Web page that is continually being updated, a permalink is a permanent link to the review (the URL persists even if the review is
moved off the Web page). Web tools that index reviews
may use this property as a unique ID.
Notice in the last example the use of the "value" subproperty. It is a subproperty that can be used with any
(compound) Microformat. It is being used to identify which part within <li class="rating">...</li> is
to be used as the value of "rating".
hReview Creator
There is an online tool to help you automatically generate an hReview:
hReview Creator
Go to the Web site and type in your review information.
Now you can take the XHTML it generates and copy and paste it into a (X)HTML document.
Thus, you can instantly add an hReview to your Web page!