Wealth of Nations, Chapter 2
- In chapter 1, Smith argues that division of labor yields productivity gains
- How does division of labor come about?
- Smith says that if does not come about through human planning, foresight, or wisdom
- Division of labor comes about as a consequence of man's disposition to trade
- Since he can trade for goods, a man doesn't need to make everything he needs. Thus, there is an emergence of a division of labor.
- He develops a talent for those goods he makes
- He is able to make an excess (i.e. more than he consumes) of the goods that he has developed a talent for making
- He has excess which can be traded for other goods that he needs or desires
- He is not as efficient at producing other goods (for which he has not developed a talent)
- So he focusses on that labor for which he has a talent and can produce a large excess, for which he can trade, i.e. he focusses on
the labor which will maximize his wealth
- His talent reinforces the division of labor
- The "marketplace" is the set of goods and the trading of those goods
- Bottom line: it's the ability and desire to trade which produces the division of labor