PPT Slide
xml ::= XML_DECLARATION DOCTYPE_DECLARATION bookCatalogue:b {: System.out.println(b); :}
bookCatalogue ::= BookCatalogue_ST books:b BookCatalogue_ET
books ::= book:b1 {: RESULT = b1; :}
books:b1 book:b2 {: RESULT = "" + b1 + b2; :}
book ::= Book_ST title:t author:a date:d isbn:i publisher:p Book_ET
{: RESULT = "" + t + a + d + i + p; :}
title ::= Title_ST PCDATA:title Title_ET {: /* Check title. If it's okay then
set RESULT = "". Otherwise, set
RESULT to an error message */
author ::= Author_ST PCDATA:author Author_ET {: /* Check title. If it's okay then
set RESULT = "". Otherwise, set
RESULT to an error message */
date ::= Date_ST PCDATA:date Date_ET {: /* Check title. If it's okay then
set RESULT = "". Otherwise, set
RESULT to an error message */