hResume is used to add smarts to resumes and CVs, so that Web applications can automatically process them.
The hResume properties are based on fields common to resumes published today on the Web. Where possible,
properties have been chosen and reused from existing Microformats.
hResume Properties
summary: use this property on the (X)HTML element that wraps the introductory text which
briefly introduces the person and the job position being sought.
contact: use this property on the (X)HTML element that wraps the person's contact information.
Use hCard to mark up the contact information.
education: use this property on the (X)HTML element that wraps an education item of the resume/CV.
Use hCalendar to mark up all the education items.
experience: use this property on the (X)HTML element that wraps an experience item.
Use hCalendar to mark up all the experience items.
hResume Properties
skill: use this property on the (X)HTML element that wraps a skill item.
Also, use rel-tag to tag each skill.
affiliation: use this property on the (X)HTML element that wraps an affiliation item.
Use hCard to mark up the affiliation item.
publications: use this property on the (X)HTML element that cites a publication.
Use Brian Suda's xhtml2vcard.xsl tool to extract the hCard and generate a vCard (.vcf file). In the
lab 1 folder is run.bat. Double click on it, and it will invoke Brian's tool.
Use Operator to mashup the hCard and hCalendar Microformats.