These qualifiers are used to specify the second or minute or hour or day ... that the event occurs on.
Personal note: I find it easier to replace (in my mind) "by" with "on". Thus, I mentally replace bymonth=1, with
onmonth=1 (the event occurs on the first month).
Example: here's how to indicate that the event recurs every year (forever) on January:
The value of all the by_____ qualifiers are lists. In the example above we see a list of three values.
In the example on the previous slide we saw a list of one value.
by_____ Qualifiers
The value of each of these is an integer (with a restricted range):
bysecond (0-59)
byminute (0-59)
byhour (0-23)
bymonthday (1-31)
byyearday (1-366)
byweekno (1-53)
bymonth (1-12)
The value of byday is one of:
SU, MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA (these values are case-insensitive)
by_____ Qualifiers
Example: here's how to indicate that the event recurs every week on Tuesday, for 10 weeks: