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Data Format Science

Did you know there are an estimated tens of thousands of data formats.

Some popular data formats include JPEG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, Shape files, WAV, CSV, MP1, MP2, MP3, MPEG, WMV, VCard, Netflow, IPFix, Zip, RAR, PDF, Word, Powerpoint, Excel, XML, JSON, and so on.

This Wikipedia page has a listing of several hundred of the most popular data formats:

I believe that data formats should be a scientific area of research. There should be data format scientists. One should be able to get a degree at a university in data format science. There should be university professors devising advanced concepts in formatting text and binary data. There should be scientists who perform meta-analysis on data formats. There should be professional journals on data format science where peer-reviewed articles are published.

Sadly, none of that exists today.

Let's fix that.


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Last Updated: August 10, 2021