Purpose of Microformats

Roger Costello

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Purpose of Microformats


John Doe's business card info (name, organization, address, phone), marked up using HTML tags

Browser Rendering

Browser rendition of John Doe's business card info (name, organization, address, phone) that is marked up using HTML tags

HTML Semantics

Information about the book, The Wisdom of Crowds, marked up with the HTML tags

Purpose of Microformats

No New Markup

Semantic Labels

Street address data markup up using HTML, along with a class='street-address' attribute

Many Ways to Mark Up Data

The street address information marked up using span tags vice using li tags

No Impact to Presentation

The street address information  marked up using span tags vice using li tags

Standardized Class Values

Example Microformat

An example Microformat called hCard.  It is an html representation of a vCard.

Aggregating Microformats

An hCard aggregator scooping up the hCards that are in Web pages

Purpose of Microformats (Revised)

Brilliance of Microformats

Wisdom of Microformats

Unanticipated Mashups

Unanticipated Mashups (cont.)
